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HR - Does one size fit all?

People perceive others by the sum of the interactions they’ve had, the same holds true for the HR fraternity. Is HR the same across large scale enterprises and startups/SME’s? We’ll dive into the top 5 areas that can positively reinforce strong HR acumen in any orgainsation.

Why HR?

Leadership cares about what employees perceive the organisation as. HR is present to ensure that an organisation has a conducive environment for employee growth and satisfaction while aligned to overall business growth. The same applies for large scale enterprises and startups/SME’s, but the nuances differ in the ask from HR. Certain focal points of Recruitment, Payroll, Compliance, Performance Management and HR Help Desk remain constant but the depth of these verticals is where the difference truly is. For startups and SME’s, the need of the hour is more hands and legs to build the foundation, not strategy and thought leadership. In contrast large scale enterprises need more differentiation in Compensation plans, Retention and driving their Employee Value Proposition to stay relevant and fend competition from poaching talent. The crux for HR in all this is to know what stage the business is in, and act according to its needs using the business acumen one has learnt/built through years of experience.

Employee Advocacy and Company Representation

HR often walks a tightrope when it comes to building and enforcing policies and processes within organisations. The idea is to create a scalable system which will better serve the orgainsation over years of growth rather than creating measures to keep people in check. When HR Leaders get this balance right, everyone wins! The aim is to cultivate skills of stakeholder management, communication, confidence and diplomacy over years of consistent practice and alignment. It is perfectly OK to fail in these, as long as there's learning that can amp up one’s growth in the process.

Never underestimate “Compliance” Most of us don’t have the luxury of time in our new roles to settle in, and are expected to hit the ground running. While Culture, Talent, Performance and Recruitment are given a lot of importance, Compliance or Benefit enrolment is often overlooked until the last minute. It is important for every HR professional to understand what goes into payroll, why a certain pay mix model is followed, and why percentages are assigned for different salary components. Apart from this, timely benefit enrolment for PF, ESI and Insurance needs due diligence to avoid legal complications later on. The best way forward is to conduct a complete audit of statutory and compliance processes, identify gaps and act in time to address these gaps right at the start rather than assume everything is in order.

Is data everything? Most HR professionals are so committed to and involved in Data and Analytics, that it is very easy to forget that employees are human, rather than numbers on a spreadsheet. While automation can straighten out a lot of repetitive processes and fetch timely data, empathy unfortunately cannot be programmed (yet) into a computer program. Simple acts of calling employees on a weekly basis to just check in with them, getting out of the cubicle and walking around to be present with the people you support produces far greater insights than a spreadsheet ever could. Understanding that HR is a “Customer Service” role, and all staff members are customers is key to scaling the function. It can be easy to redirect people to automated HRIS platforms for answers, but like we mentioned in the start, we are the sum of interactions we have with others.

Beyond HR We all start out as amateurs and sharpen our skills, knowledge and abilities over years of experience and learning. While it is extremely easy to amass HR specific competencies, peer relevancy is often overlooked. HR is not trained to read P&L statements or Bottom line reports, whereas the business counterparts at the leadership level use these as bread and butter to drive their corresponding business units. True HR Business Partnering happens when HR can assimilate the same data as Business Heads do, in order to advise and redirect strategically when required. Staying relevant to peers in the orgainsation is highly important to influence and drive business goals intrinsically.

We’d love to hear your thoughts or personal experience on this aspect, do you really think every HR department is the same? What would you recommend that would level the playing field for HR departments in organisations of different scale? Send in your thoughts to today!

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